Wellness Within Cancer Support
Join Wellness Within instructors, staff and special guests for relaxing meditations and thoughtful, enlivening conversation about pertinent treatment and survivorship topics supporting wellness in the presence of cancer. This podcast is offered freely to ensure everyone has access to these practices and conversations offered by Wellness Within Cancer Support Services. If you feel inspired to donate to support Wellness Within offerings, please visit wellnesswithin.org.
Wellness Within Cancer Support
Cultivating Meaning & Resilience in Cancer Survivorship with Dr. Sam Siegel
In this podcast episode marked by courage and vulnerability, Dr. Samantha Siegel, a two-time cancer survivor, shares profound insights shaped by her extraordinary perspectives on survivorship. Dr. Siegel underscores the significance of creating meaning in life after a cancer diagnosis, managing energy, navigating work and disclosures, recognizing your limits and exploring expectations of self. Her narrative emphasizes the resilience of cancer survivors, promoting a holistic approach to survivorship care. Additionally, she delves into her near-death experience, discussing how it heightened her awareness of energy. Dr. Siegel explores the importance of tuning into oneself, identifying sources of negativity, and making choices that prioritize personal well-being.
Guest Bio:
Dr. Samantha Siegel is an internist in Kaiser Permanente. She has survived relapsed/refractory Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, including an autologous bone marrow transplant in June 2022. This has made her passionate about cancer survivorship, integrative medicine and personal narrative impacting the illness experience. She hopes to pioneer a longitudinal cancer survivorship care model, beginning at diagnosis, that can be replicated in other healthcare systems. She’s focused on elevating cancer survivorship to its own multidisciplinary board certification status. Dr. Siegel lives in Davis with her husband, three kids and energetic dog. They enjoy outdoor activities and plant-based living.
This podcast is sponsored in part by Kaiser Permanente, Umpqua bank, UC Davis Health. It is offered freely to ensure everyone has access to these practices and conversations offered by Wellness Within Cancer Support Services. If you feel inspired to donate to support Wellness Within offerings, please visit www.wellnesswithin.org/give
This podcast offers health, wellness, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site. The use of any information provided on this podcast is solely at your own risk.